Download Ticket Service credits

Development for “Download Ticket Service” has been sponsored in large part by the EURAC’s Institute of Genetic Medicine.

List of major contributors in alphabetical order:

Arthur Fabre []:

Clemens Egger <>:

Daniel Berteaud <>:

Daniele Di Domizio <>:

Dirk Reimers <>:

Emanuele Rosati <>:

Fabiola Del Greco <>:

Guangyu Dong <>:

Guilherme Benkenstein <>:

Hervé Commowick <>:

Jan Štětina <>:

Johannes Martin <>:

Kim Thostrup <>:

Larissa de Clauser <>:

Maarten Schoonman <>:

Mokrani Rachid <>:

Олейник О.В <>:

Roberto Salgado <>:

RustyPixel []:

Sébastien Le Ray <>:

Teruo IWAI <>:

Tim Booth <>: